Tuesday, 25 October 2011

The Truth About Mascara!

I will be the first to admit that I love mascara,even though I don't wear too much make-up, a quick swipe with the mascara wand makes me feel a lot more comfortable. I can even go as far to say that without a coat of mascara I feel naked!

I really do not see the point in covering your face in 7 layers of foundation along with bronzer, powder, blusher...It just doesn't do it for me, personally I don't find it overly attractive (unless its done well and in secondaary school thats kinda unlikelym - no offence anyone!)and kinda fake. However I completely agree with the wonders of mascara which actually accentuates intead of masking.

Unfortunately theres some pretty nasty stuff in mascara but thankfully "bat poop" is not one of them - Phew!

To help get us in the mood here's the history of mascara, enjoy!:

  • the first masccara product was invented by  Eugene Rimmel in the 19th century.
  •  early mascara was invented by T.L. Williams in 1913 he went on to found Maybelline. 
  • modern mascara as we know it was invented by Helena Rubenstein in 1957.
The basic ingredients in mascara are oil, water and wax(like I talked about in my last post) For the pigments carbon is used for black while iron oxide is used to make brown.  Luckily enough "bat poop" is not present in mascara but the crystalline form of guanine is. Guanine is derived from the spanish word "guano" meaning dung - eww! Thankfully mascara does not contain "guano" but it does contain fish scales - eh yuck! So the next time your coating your lashes in another layer of mascara, spare a thought for the poor fish from the Atlantic! (Honestly I don't know if the fish was from the Atlantic,poetic licence please?!) 

Heres another video about some of the not so nice stuff thats in our cosmetics...toxics in toxixs out...

If you want to fingd out more about mascara and its secrets then check out these websites: 

Next time I'm going to find out where the 10 stangest cosmetic ingredients come from. Wish me luck!

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